Confession is the honest and humble identification of our sins to God on a regular basis, which is the well-established method that God has provided for us to receive forgiveness in our Christian lives. By confessing, we keep ourselves cleansed, so that the Holy Spirit can control us and produce His fruit through us.
Study takes many forms and may include reading the Bible (or Bible-study books), watching video programs, listening to CD's, being edified by other growing believers, and attending studies at churches. The form of study that works best is to sit at the feet of a pastor-teacher who is rightly dividing the Word of Truth. A true pastor teaches the Word, and is God's primary medium for delivering our spiritual nutrition.
Prayer is our main method for direct expression toward God. Through prayer we unload our burdens and worries onto God, ask Him for specific conditions or things that we need or want, and appeal to Him to help and guide others. Prayer is also a time of thanksgiving, when we thank God for His provision and care, but also for His training. Probably the most important thing we do in prayer is acknowledging God, or seeing Him as the the infinite Creator, but also as our loving and caring Father.
The last pillar of Christian growth and effectiveness is faith. The faith which allowed grace to save us now allows grace to sustain us and give meaning to our lives. Without sustained and growing faith in our Christian lives, we will be operating in the flesh, not the Spirit, and we will experience frustration and anguish that will only worsen day by day. Through faith we access God's best for us, which provides "life that is true life".
These pillars are practicable (practice-able). Taken alone, each of them is simple to define and easy to understand. We do not, however, experience the pillars in isolation from each other. As the pillars interact in a process of interdependency and symbiosis, their true value and power are realized. It is crucial for us to understand how these work together.
We will try to show how these pillars work in tandem. Each of them are like links in a chain...if any links are missing, the chain will be broken and useless. We already get it that all pillars are important and must be present, but how do they work in unison?
We begin with confession. If we are not in fellowship, thus controlled by the Holy Spirit, we can't address any of the other pillars. We can't understand Scripture, pray effectively, or maintain trust in God's love and power. Confession, a much-neglected doctrine, MUST BE THE STARTING POINT FOR EVERYTHING WE DO AS CHRISTIANS. Before we study, we must confess. Before we pray, we must confess. And before we can have and build our faith, we must confess.
Confession, alone, however, leads nowhere. Confession must be followed with prayer and study for it to do any good. And faith must operate, not just at confession, but after confession. When we confess, the engine is started, but we must have faith to put us in gear, so we can move forward. The value of confession is seen in the function of the other pillars.
Prayer is also dependent on the other pillars. If we have not confessed, God will not hear our prayers. This is also true if we have not studied. And no prayer is going to be effective unless it is backed up by faith.
Study also relies on the other pillars. Study will be nothing more than cerebral exercise if confession is not done beforehand. Study is enhanced by prayer...remember that we are told to ask for wisdom. We should always pray before we study. Faith also plays an important role in our study. Without faith in the Word, and an attitude of faith in God throughout each learning session, study will yield only knowledge, which means that understanding will be lacking.
Faith also draws on the other pillars. Without confession faith is flat. Through prayer, faith in God has an avenue of expression. And the strength of faith is directly related to the amount of study that has been done.
A stool with one, two, or three legs will not stand. It will topple over. The same is true of Christian living. We need all four pillars for us to stand strong. This is why I urge you to read all the books offered here, which thoroughly treat the concepts for each pillar. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we must not neglect or ignore any of these:
1. Confess your sins to God consistently.
2. Pray without ceasing.
3. Study faithfully in order to grow.
4. Believe in God, the work of Christ, and the Word of God.
If you are not satisfied with your life, you need to look into these things. You can start today.