Look around you. You exist. And you are not an accident. You are the creative product of an Entity so huge that you can’t imagine it. That’s why many have not seen the reality of God…because their view is too narrow…earth-bound…constricted.
God Himself knows that we can’t comprehend how big He is. He sees us trying to rationalize our existence. Our smartest, the scientists, contemplate other dimensions, imagine infinite numbers of parallel universes, and theorize on the connection and meaning of “everything”. They are right to look for answers outside of who we are and what we experience, but they are trying to credit every conceivable explanation for existential ontology (the fact of existence) besides God.
Those of us who have moved past the notion that God might not be real, and have embraced Him as our cause and reason for existing, and have accepted His plan for creating us…and now saving us…have settled the question of our beginning; we have believed the efficacy of His Son’s work; and we have received the eternal life He gives to those with faith. But, as wonderful as these things are, this is where many of us stall out, even though there is much more available.
Once we recognize the Origin of all existence, acknowledge the Creator of man, accept the Savior of lost sinners, and access the Father of our new eternal family…we tend to stop…and this is where we go wrong. We have seen all the new prospects for eternity, and we are grateful. But when we return to life in the world, somehow the One Who made all this, and sustains time and space in a measureless universe, and infuses mortal beings with immortality…becomes a mere pocket charm. We reduce Him to a good-luck amulet that we hope will keep us healthy and safe…and drop a little money in the bank, if you would. Believers can imagine God in eternity, but we tend to dissociate Him from our lives, except in self-serving and mundane ways. We are shallow creatures!
We have eternal life, but we have temporal thinking. We will live forever, but we scrape and claw at the world’s treasure like there’s no tomorrow. It’s time we pause and—just for a moment—see the real size and power of God. If we will do this, we can begin to understand how Christianity works. We do not participate in God’s plan by drilling ourselves into perfunctory compliance with a code of conduct, or by checking our pockets occasionally to see if that charm is still there, but by the immense power of the One who made and keeps all that is. Our task is this: to discover how to connect with this power. Come on. Did you really think you could do this by yourself?
By the way…He has shown us how those of us with eternal life can access His infinite power. Can you guess where this gem is hidden?
God Himself knows that we can’t comprehend how big He is. He sees us trying to rationalize our existence. Our smartest, the scientists, contemplate other dimensions, imagine infinite numbers of parallel universes, and theorize on the connection and meaning of “everything”. They are right to look for answers outside of who we are and what we experience, but they are trying to credit every conceivable explanation for existential ontology (the fact of existence) besides God.
Those of us who have moved past the notion that God might not be real, and have embraced Him as our cause and reason for existing, and have accepted His plan for creating us…and now saving us…have settled the question of our beginning; we have believed the efficacy of His Son’s work; and we have received the eternal life He gives to those with faith. But, as wonderful as these things are, this is where many of us stall out, even though there is much more available.
Once we recognize the Origin of all existence, acknowledge the Creator of man, accept the Savior of lost sinners, and access the Father of our new eternal family…we tend to stop…and this is where we go wrong. We have seen all the new prospects for eternity, and we are grateful. But when we return to life in the world, somehow the One Who made all this, and sustains time and space in a measureless universe, and infuses mortal beings with immortality…becomes a mere pocket charm. We reduce Him to a good-luck amulet that we hope will keep us healthy and safe…and drop a little money in the bank, if you would. Believers can imagine God in eternity, but we tend to dissociate Him from our lives, except in self-serving and mundane ways. We are shallow creatures!
We have eternal life, but we have temporal thinking. We will live forever, but we scrape and claw at the world’s treasure like there’s no tomorrow. It’s time we pause and—just for a moment—see the real size and power of God. If we will do this, we can begin to understand how Christianity works. We do not participate in God’s plan by drilling ourselves into perfunctory compliance with a code of conduct, or by checking our pockets occasionally to see if that charm is still there, but by the immense power of the One who made and keeps all that is. Our task is this: to discover how to connect with this power. Come on. Did you really think you could do this by yourself?
By the way…He has shown us how those of us with eternal life can access His infinite power. Can you guess where this gem is hidden?